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What we teach


N.E. Dance offers ballet classes for boys and girls (children from age 3+ up to adults), jazz dance classes for boys and girls (children from age 8+ up to adults) and wedding dance classes.

We do not offer dance exams as this can require a lot of expense and travel and can be very time-consuming for the families of our pupils. For the pupils exams can mean doing the same thing for weeks on end in class and pressure or stress which is simply not necessary unless this is a career path the pupil wishes to pursue. Instead, we pride ourselves on teaching excellent technique from the world-renown Vaganova curriculum, providing new lesson plans every 3-4 weeks, keeping it fresh and exciting for our pupils whilst giving them the chance to learn and master before moving onto new challenges. We always make sure our pupils warm up, stretch and execute moves safely. We give explanations and corrections to better our pupils’ dancing in a supportive manner and most of all, love to help them find joy in their dancing as well as confidence in their abilities and expression of emotions through their dancing.
All pupils have the opportunity to participate in bi-annual shows and yearly Presentation Classes. Achievements are celebrated through certificates which pupils receive for both Presentation Classes and each time they move up a level. Our adult pupils also get the chance to perform should they wish to (which most classes do!) and have the option of widening their knowledge and repertoire by participating in our workshops.


“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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